Market overview Thanks to the ICO boom new job openings pop up on the labor market each day. The development of the blockchain industry is creating a high demand of professionals, experienced both in digital and financial sectors. It’s pretty clear that qualified specialists are lacking in this area. The first Bitcoins appeared only 7 years ago, while the intensive emergence of the cryptocurrency market has been going for only a couple of years. The crypto labor market is as ...
Read More5 Jobs in the cryptocurrency market
The cryptocurrency market is largely an unregulated area: to date no international laws apply to the procedure of launching an ICO. As result the world has seen small and large frauds and SCAM projects that helped to enrich individuals with deliberate intentions to earn money even at the cost of professional reputation. We’ve selected the 3 biggest ICO SCAMS in history. Companies spending major investments in promotion and creation of a credible image, may be nothing better than a Ponzi ...
Read MoreBy Dimitri Elkin August 27, 2017 “I think bitcoin is definitely a frenzy. Eventually the media gets bored, and moves to the next thing that that will leave a much lower price for Bitcoin,” said Gavin Andressen, chief scientist at the Bitcoin Foundation, in an interview for the New York Times. On the surface, this warning seemed like a piece of prudent advice. Knowing that, Mr. Andressen was one of the most informed people in the world about the ...
Read MoreVarious activities spark around the world as the Blockchain industry reaches new heights. From Moscow to Shanghai, we’ve selected 5 most interesting events to attend and to follow next month. Blockchain Live Where: London, UK When: 20/09/2017 This event has EOS as one of the key sponsors. The show will run for one day and is targeted on business executives. Over 700 participants from private and public sector are planning to attend Blockchain Live this year. With 5 content focused ...
Read MoreWith the summer behind its time to get back to school! From blockchain and Bitcoin to the high-end trends of the crypto world and the Internet of things, we’ve selected 5 best titles that will enhance your knowledge about the world’s most disruptive and yet unknown industry. This selection is a must-read for all beginners. The Book Of Satoshi: The Collected Writings of Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto Phil Champagne Publisher: The Book Of Satoshi Publication date: June 5, 2014 Bitcoin creator ...
Read MoreIn the beginning of August ICOBox managed to attract over $8.3 million (about 2,100 BTC) during the pre-sale period that lasted only 8 days. The official ICOS token sale was launched on the 15th of August, it will last for 32 days, ending on the 15th of September. ICOBox has already attracted about $13.000.000 (3000 BTC) to date. ICObox is a platform that will enable cost reduction for new and underfunded ICO projects. Mike Raitsyn, Co-founder of the ICOBox, shared ...
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