
  • Crowdsale opening date - to be announced
  • Crowdsale closing date - to be announced
  • Symbol -
  • Platform -  Blockchain

ICO description

HTTP is inefficient and expensive. HTTP downloads a file from a single computer at a time, instead of getting pieces from multiple computers simultaneously. With video delivery, a P2P approach could save 60% in bandwidth costs. IPFS makes it possible to distribute high volumes of data with high efficiency. And zero duplication means savings in storage. Humanity's history is deleted daily. The average lifespan of a web page is 100 days. Remember GeoCities? The web doesn't anymore. It's not good enough for the primary medium of our era to be so fragile. The web's centralization limits opportunity The Internet has been one of the great equalizers in human history and a real accelerator of innovation. But the increasing consolidation of control is a threat to that. IPFS remains true to the original vision of the open and flat web, but delivers the technology which make. IPFS provides historic versioning (like git) and makes it simple to set up resilient networks for mirroring of data. Archivists - It's not enough to organize the world's information—we need to store it in a way the world can remember it. IPFS provides deduplication, high performance, and clustered persistence. Service providers. If your company delivers large amounts of data to users, a peer-to-peer approach could save you millions in bandwidth. IPFS can provide secure P2P content delivery. Researchers.If you're working with, distributing, and analyzing huge datasets, IPFS offers fast performance and decentralized archiving. Developing world. High latency networks are a real barrier of entry to developing world. IPFS provides resilient access to data, independent of low latency or connectivity to the backbone. Blockchains. IPFS and the Blockchain are a perfect match! You can address large amounts of data with IPFS, and place the immutable, permanent IPFS links into a blockchain transaction. This timestamps and secures your content, without having to put the data on the chain itself.



  • Matt Zumwalt
  • Friedel Ziegelmayer
  • David Dias
  • Victor Bjelkholm
  • Jeromy Johnson
  • Hector Sanjuan
  • Juan Benet
  • Jesse Clayburgh
  • Skylar Norris
  • Jakub Sztandera
  • Lars Gierth
  • Nicola Greco

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